Monday, November 17, 2008

Turkey Day is Fast Approaching

When asked about the most stressful week of the year, Google was asked to compile data that identified the most website hits for anti-depressant medication....the answer was shocking to's Thanksgiving week. Is it really that bad to be with your family...(don't answer that)...Here are some holiday memories I have...

This is a link Devereaux Street in Philly...Home of Uncle George...One of the highlights of my childhood was riding over there with my dad and brothers...usually didn't do this on Thanksgiving though since Uncle Joe and Aunt Mary would pick him up on this day, but Thanksgiving wasn't Thanksgiving without Uncle George...

Fennel and Black Olives come to mind...

Some Creamed Onions

Assorted Nuts

...a little escarole soup

can't forget the Lions

...and Dallas

almost forot turkey bowl...although I think I'm officially retired (but I'll let you know last minute..ala Favre)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's funny. I have the exact same memories when I think of Thanksgiving too!!!